
Bill on tax treatment for financial derivatives

A new bill states a specific tax treatment for financial derivatives. 

Ratification of Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters

Last August 29th the Uruguayan Parliament enacted Act No. 19.428 which ratified the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters (hereinafter “theConvention”), signed by Uruguay in Paris last June 1st, 2016.

Bill on International Tax Transparency and Prevention of Money Laundering

The Bill is intended to state certain rules in order to comply with the agreed international standards on international tax transparency and prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism.See the following report: 

Fraud, Investigations,and Employee Dismissals in Latin America

Best Practices for Employers:H&H participated in the making of a report with the particularities of Fraud, Investigations and Employee Dismissals in various jurisdictions in Latin America, including Uruguay, which was published by the Employment ...

Prohibition of consumption and possession of alcohol or drugs at work

Se publicó en el Diario Oficial el decreto 128/016 que prohíbe el consumo y tenencia de alcohol y cualquier otro tipo de droga durante la jornada de trabajo.DerogacionesEsta normativa deroga el artículo 42 del decreto 120/2014 por el cual se prohibía ...