
Newspaper El País requests the opinion of Bernardo Porras regarding the measures announced by the Uruguayan government in relation to payments made in excess to the National Health System

News "El País"

María Durán, an expert in Labor Law, is interviewed on the coming round of the National Wages Board. Rise in wages

News - "El País"

A new leading case achieved by Hughes & Hughes receives ample local and international media interest


Dispute resolution expert Alfredo Taullard is consulted about the projected modifications to the consumer relations law

News - "El País"

Supreme Court declares land tax to be unconstitutional

Por cuatro votos a uno, los ministros votarán como inconstitucional el Impuesto a la Concentración de lnmuebles Rurales, informó BúsquedaLa Suprema Corte de Justicia (SCJ) declarará inconstitucional el Impuesto a la Concentración de lnmuebles Rurales ...